The Cuthrell Law Firm understands the benefit of an immigration evaluation for individuals navigating through immigration proceedings. An immigration evaluation, also known as an immigration psychological evaluation, immigration forensic evaluation, immigration mental health evaluation, immigration clinical evaluation, etc., is a clinical assessment that is conducted by a licensed mental health professional. An immigration evaluation, combined with other supportive evidence such as medical records and personal statements, can be beneficial for an individual’s immigration case. An immigration evaluation provides clinical objective evidence that details the potential effects that an immigration proceeding outcome may have on an individual’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being.  The immigration evaluation can assist immigration attorneys to become aware of their client’s potential psychological/mental distress, extreme hardship, emotional impairments, mental health diagnosis/diagnoses, and other pertinent stressors to help build a stronger case to assist their clients to adjust their immigration status to remain in the United States of America.

Immigration evaluations may be beneficial for immigration matters involving adjustment of status, deportation, and other complex immigration matters. Immigration evaluations can be coordinated for:

  • Immigration Psychological/Clinical/Forensic Evaluation
  • Asylum Immigration Evaluation                                                        
  • Domestic Violence/Spousal Abuse Evaluation
  • Extreme Hardship Evaluation                                                                          
  • U-Visa Immigration Evaluation                                                                   
  • T-Visa Immigration Evaluation 
  • VAWA Evaluation
  • Trauma-Informed Legal Advocacy Evaluation

*Attorney/Dr.  Kimberly Morton Cuthrell is a licensed U.S. immigration attorney and a licensed clinician with experience as a trauma-informed professional and Immigration Psychological/ Clinical/Forensic Evaluator. She will either provide immigration law representation ‘or’ conduct an Immigration Psychological/Clinical/Forensic Evaluation for a client. To ensure ethical, clinical, and legal compliance, she  ‘will not’ provide immigration law representation and conduct an Immigration Psychological / Clinical/ Forensic Evaluation for the same client.